Recently Diagnosed with Cancer?

If you’ve had a recent cancer diagnosis, there are many nutritional and lifestyle strategies that can help. More and more studies are showing that natural therapies can enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation and also decrease the side effects of these treatments. A 2007 study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology showed that women diagnosed with breast cancer who started eating 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables daily plus exercising for 30 minutes six times per week were 45% more likely to survive for 10 years than women who didn’t make those changes. ((Pierce, JP. Greater survival after breast cancer in physically active women with high vegetable-fruit intake regardless of obesity. J Clin Oncol. 2007 Jun 10;25(17):2345-51.))

Dr. Sally has worked with many clients who chose to utilise natural support strategies alongside conventional cancer treatment. Clients have felt empowered knowing that simple modifications can make a big difference in their health outcomes. By implementing specific dietary additions and nutritional supplements, clients have helped their bodies use the chemotherapy more efficiently, detoxify more quickly, and support systems like digestion and immune function, which promote a successful recovery. Sally can design a support plan specifically tailored for you, taking into account your specific type of cancer and the conventional treatments you are being offered. Her goal is to work alongside your oncology team, with safety being of upmost importance. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation or finding out more, please phone or email Sally to discuss your individual situation.